Digipolis Antwerp
Digipolis Antwerp is the digital services provider for the citizens of Antwerp. The IT-partner of the city develops software and implements hardware, networks, and telecom infrastructure.
Digipolis also guides the city workers, OCMW, police, healthcare, and emergency departments in their IT-projects and provides qualitative and stable support for operational activities and environments
How can we amaze the citizens of Antwerp with personalized tips for the cultural offering?
Digipolis is one of the most innovative institutions in Belgium regarding IT solutions for cities and its citizens. With their ACPaaS environment, they use modular software building blocks to build a wide range of innovative solutions.
One of the new projects involved building a data platform with a recommendation engine on top, and a user interface, to provide personalized content for the cultural users in Antwerp. Infofarm was chosen as the partner to build a generic data lake and Machine Learning environment, which Digipolis could then easily reuse for new innovative solutions involving data and Advanced Analytics.
Data is scattered across the different cultural organizations. Therefore, cultural lovers need to visit different platforms to gather information about the cultural possibilities. Could we centralize all this data and enrich it with other external data sources to provide a more personalized experience?

Recommendation engine
A centralized environment where the cultural lovers from the city can easily find the cultural offerings, with additional personalized content.
More visibility for the cultural institutions enabling them to draw more customers to their offerings

Azure Data Platform
construction industry
Setting up an Azure Data Platform (BIM360 integration included) to extract all scattered project information and make relevant data available through a user-friendly portal at Ibens.