Data Analytics, Data Engineering
Track & Trace Reporting – Food Sector

By bringing third party data and operational data together in a cloud-based data platform, we are able to strengthen the business processes at Flanders Milk. Through a Power BI report, Flanders Milk not only has a clear overview of open orders, but also the necessary insights to respond proactively to possible problems

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Data Analytics, Data Engineering
Immoweb – Real Estate

Our objective was to migrate immoweb’s on-premise data pipelines to the robust infrastructure of AWS. We carefully orchestrated the migration process, ensuring a seamless transition and optimal utilization of cloud resources.

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Data Engineering, Data Strategy
Materialise – Additive manufacturing

Advising Materialise for architecture, design and implementation of a new Data Warehouse based in AWS cloud, using modern concepts like Lake House, aiming at putting in place a new foundation of enabling the IT department moving forward with its data journey.

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Data Analytics, Data Engineering, Data Strategy
Ibens Data Platform – Construction Industry

Setting up an Azure Data Platform (BIM360 integration included) to extract all scattered project information and make relevant data available through a user-friendly portal at Ibens.

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Data Strategy
Ibens Analytics Blueprint – Construction Industry

Workshop sessions to identify data driven solutions and tackle current operational challenges at Ibens.

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Data Analytics, Data Engineering
Departement Zorg – Public Health Sector

Building a data platform in AWS to gather, capture, process and expose all available data.

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Data Analytics, Data Strategy
Flexsoft – Legal Sector

Exploring new possible innovative services for Flexsoft with the use of data and AI. The most promising use case was chosen and developed into a new tool called Lexor for automated time registration.

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Data Analytics, Data Engineering
VEKA – Public Sector

A centralized environment for energy performance data from buildings and green energy production in the Flemish region.

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Data Engineering
Bluecrux – Logistics Sector

Calculating Smart Parameters to detect anomalies in Supply Chain networks for optimized planning

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Data Engineering, Data Strategy
Digipolis Antwerp – Public Sector

A centralized environment for distributed alerts to help the emergency services of the city of Antwerp

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