In this blog, we will dive deeper into ‘Data Ingestion’ and tell you how to get the data in your data platform using Microsoft Azure cloudservices.
Discover our insights

Data Platforms – The differences between AWS & Azure
The differences between cloud native Data Platforms on AWS and Azure. Make an informed decision and start exploring your data as quick as possible.

Azure Serverless Data Platform Architecture
How does a Data Platform Architecture looks like when using Microsoft Azure Serverless services? Our Data Engineer explains.

AWS Serverless Data Platform Architecture
How does a Data Platform Architecture looks like when using AWS Serverless services? Our Data Engineer explains.

Advantages of a Serverless Data Platform
What do we mean with “serverless” and can data platforms benefit from the serverless advantages? You’ll find all the answers in this blog.

Four reasons you might be in need of a data platform
Does your company need a data platform? This blog allows you to decide for yourself!

The hitchhiker’s guide to a data platform
A story about data cravings, librarians and heroine. The perfect cocktail for a quick and relaxing read

Infofarm is no longer a ‘Data Science Company’
Infofarm gets rid of the tagline ‘Data Science Company’ because it no longer covers the load of the Infofarm services.

Streaming-first with Apache Flink
What is a good streaming architecture and why it’s a good idea to start looking at implementing one